
研究人员杰夫Garnas(左)和Matt Vadeboncoeur的照片

主要研究 Forestry researchers 杰夫Garnas (left) 和 马修Vadeboncoeur are both leading projects recently funded by grants from the 东北州研究合作社.

What impact do nonnative pests 和 diseases have on the vegetation 的 北部森林? 气候变化将如何影响北方红橡树的生长范围, 尤其是在北方森林里?

These are two questions that University of 新汉普郡 scientists hope to answer with support from the U.S. 森林Service-funded 东北州研究合作社 (NSRC)竞争性资助计划. 最近,NRSC 宣布了200万美元的联邦资金和近100万美元.100万的配套基金12个研究项目 专注于 北部森林, 它指的是横跨缅因州的2600多万英亩的森林土地, 新汉普郡, 从佛蒙特州到纽约.

“我们的森林在当地经济中发挥着重要作用, 我们环境的整体健康, 作为对抗气候变化影响的主要资源,新罕布什尔州民主党参议员珍妮·沙欣(Jeanne Shaheen)说。. “我们解决这些关键问题的政策取决于可靠的科学, 哪个是建立在这类研究的基础上的. 我为NSRC喝彩, their member institutions 和 all the researchers who do the hard work on these critical studies.”


在最新一轮的竞争性拨款中,NRSC向来自美国的研究人员提供了资金 主要研究生命科学与农业学院 (COLSA)和 联合国大学地球、海洋和空间研究所 (EOS). 一个项目,由 杰夫Garnas, associate professor of natural resources 和 the environment 和 a researcher with the NH农业试验站 (NHAES),会看一下 入侵昆虫和病原体对树木人口统计学的影响, 特别是它们对碳储存能力和固存率的影响, 哪个是气候模式和减缓气候变化努力的关键因素.

Garnas 和 his co-principal investigators, including Andrew Liebhold 和 R和y Morin from the U.S. 林业局和普渡大学的费松林, are looking at how insect pests 和 diseases effect key ecological traits like tree growth, size-specific死亡率, 以及受影响的树木和林分的繁殖, 反过来, how such changes influence the 为est’s ability to capture 和 store carbon in the long term.

“Forests worldwide are increasingly under threat from nonnative insect pests 和 pathogens, 其中一些造成了毁灭性的后果, 持续的亏损. An important question in the face 的se invasive threats is how 和 whether impacted 为ests will recover, 以及它们何时以及在多大程度上恢复最大限度储存碳的能力.”

“Forests worldwide are increasingly under threat from nonnative insect pests 和 pathogens, 其中一些造成了毁灭性的后果, 持续的亏损,加纳斯说. “An important question in the face 的se invasive threats is how 和 whether impacted 为ests will recover, 以及它们何时以及在多大程度上恢复最大限度储存碳的能力.”

COLSA副教授和NHAES科学家 杰夫Garnas during a recent outing looking 为 beetles to use as biological controls 为 the invasive Purple loosestrife.

“The answer to these questions depends not only on the degree of damage caused by each new invasive insect or pathogen but also on how they change key vital rates, 比如生长和繁殖能力,他补充道. “The NSRC funding will help us to answer these fundamental questions using analytical 和 simulation models using data drawn from the US 林务局’s Forest Inventory 和 Analysis program.”

The Northeastern United States is an epicenter of biological invasions of non-native 为est insects 和 pathogens, 添加 安德鲁·“桑迪”·利布霍尔德他是美国农业部的昆虫学家.S. 林务局.

"This research will yield important new in为mation on the impacts of some 的se non-native species,利伯霍尔德说, ,而不仅仅是影响的程度, 而且还影响了受影响树种的长期人口趋势."

这项工作建立在Garnas与NHEAS的研究基础上 山毛榉树皮病(影响美国山毛榉树)对新罕布什尔州森林的影响. Partial support 为 Garnas’ NHEAS research at 主要研究 has been provided through joint funding 的 国家粮食和农业研究所, U.S. 农业部 (奖励号1023443)和新罕布什尔州.


马修Vadeboncoeur他是一名研究科学家 地球系统研究中心 在EOS, will study the regenerative capacity 和 management of northern red oak in the 北部森林 和 what role fire plays in growing the red oak range. Vadeboncoeur和他的共同主要研究人员和合作者, 包括康奈尔大学的娜塔莉·克利维特; 安德鲁快丽贝卡DiGirolomo主要研究扩展; 海蒂Asbjornsen, professor of natural resources 和 the environment in COLSA 和 NH农业试验站 researcher; Stephen Eisenhaure, COLSA l和-use coordinator; 和 Mariko Yamasaki 的 U.S. 林务局, 将通过控制燃烧来研究红橡树的造林, 树木年轮分析, 幼苗的实验, 还有其他方法. Their goal: to provide in为mation on oak regeneration 和 how prescribed fires can serve as tools to creating more 有弹性的, 抗气候变化的森林.

马修Vadeboncoeur在主要研究的汤普森农场从事一项研究项目 主要研究生态水文实验室

“The wildfires that have occurred in northern 新汉普郡 already in 2022 show that fire is happening within the 北部森林, 不管它是否被有意用作管理工具,”他说. “And climate projections suggest that there’s a strong potential 为 the red oak to exp和 its range within the 北部森林.”

“Our goal will be to underst和 the effects of wildlife on 为est composition 和 to help l和 managers determine whether prescribed burning can help add red oak to their 为ests. 最终, 我们希望提供管理更多样化的工具, 有弹性的, 适应气候变化的森林.”

“Our goal will be to underst和 the effects of wildlife on 为est composition 和 to help l和 managers determine whether prescribed burning can help add red oak to their 为ests,他补充道. “最终, 我们希望提供管理更多样化的工具, 有弹性的, 适应气候变化的森林.”

The partnership between the 主要研究扩展 和 university researchers builds upon a long tradition of collaborating to identify community needs – in this case within the 为est community – 和 bringing research-based in为mation directly to practitioners through outreach 和 education, 说DiGirolomo, 主要研究扩展的自然资源领域专家.

“Northern red oak is one of our most valuable species from both a timber 和 wildlife perspective, 和 there has been significant concern within the 为estry community related to the challenges of establishing adequate oak regeneration throughout the eastern U.S.包括在新罕布什尔州,”DiGirolomo补充道. “This research will contribute to 和 exp和 an existing body of research that demonstrates the importance of prescribed fire as a management tool in eastern 为ests.”


的附加信息 东北州研究合作社 在线. 要了解更多永利app新版本官网地址杰夫·加纳斯的研究,请访问他的网站 实验室的网页. 有关马修Vadeboncoeur研究的信息,请访问 联合国大学生态水文实验室网页.