Apps for Students

Name / Cost    描述/兼容性

Otter Voice Notes

Cost: Free - $4.99/mo

  • Ai生成实时录制音频(讲座、会议、视频)的文字记录/笔记
  • 同步的音频和文本可以审查/编辑/搜索/突出显示额外的笔记
  • 速度可调音频回放 
  • 如果录制群组会议,请标记发言人
  • Export to Word or PDF and/or share notes in App/web browser

兼容性:Windows, Mac, iOS, Android


Cost: Free

  • 一个一站式的地方收集笔记,文件,网页剪贴和图像的能力 几乎可以在任何设备上访问它们
  • 收集和查找你的信息很容易
  • 研究,计划事件和日常组织使用的伟大工具
  • Collaborate with others on projects using the sharing features

Compatibility: Windows; Mac; iOS: iPad, iPhone;  Android; Windows Phone


Cost:  Free

  • 通过打字在OneNote中记录所有笔记, 用触摸屏书写, importing pictures, video, 网站链接和其他资源
  • Divide up your classes and work by notebook, section, and pages
  • 使用OneDrive在线,将您的OneNote文档共享给其他人进行处理和交互
  • Search your notes for the ability to easily find what you need

Compatibility:   Windows, Mac OS, iOS系统:iPad、iPhone、Android, Windows Phone


Cost:  Free

  • Write, sketch, draw or doodle notes and information on your iPad
  • Lifelike,  in-app paper imitates writing on real paper
  • 与您的Evernote帐户同步,随时随地使用您的计算机或移动设备访问
  • Search your notes using the search feature in your Evernote Account

Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone


Cost: $4.99-$19.99

  • Synchronize your notes with the audio recording of your lecture
  • Take hand-written
  • Import lecture slides as the background to your notes

Compatibility:  Windows; Mac; iOS: iPad; Android


Cost: $9.99

  •  写,类型,或使用高亮笔注释你的笔记使用所有在一个笔记应用程序
  • 能够拍摄照片和音频记录与声音链接到您的笔记
  • Use Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box to import, 导出和共享ppt等文档,并直接在上面做笔记
  • 把你所有的笔记整理在一个地方

Compatibility: Mac; iOS: iPad, iPhone


Cost:  $9.99

  • Annotate PDF, Word Doc, PowerPoint, and image files with this app
  • 使用打字机,钢笔,荧光笔,邮票,笔记,下划线,照片,语音等工具 为你的文档加注解
  • Import PDFs or compress and export for secured sharing with others

Compatibility:  iOS: iPad, iPhone

Name / Cost




Cost: Free

  • 文字阅读器
  • 使用该应用程序可以为任意一本书的某一页拍照,并听到它被大声朗读给你听.
  • Listen at any speed
  • 监听任何设备-跨设备同步
  • 自然的读书声

兼容性:iOS, Chrome, Android


Cost: Free

  • 文本到语音软件,转换微软Word,网页,pdf和电子邮件到口语文本

  • Customize reading voice and speed to meet your personal needs

  • Floating toolbar to read text in other applications

  • 在线文本到语音程序与选项输入文本从各种来源在您的计算机上

Compatibility:  Windows; Mac OS; Online Resource


Cost: Free

  • Read Out Loud is a Text-to-Speech (TTS) tool that is built into Adobe Reader. It can read searchable text contained within the PDF document searchable text contained within the PDF document window
  • The Read Out Loud function is found under the View menu
  • You can adjust the voice settings from the Edit menu --> Preferences--> Reading
  • Here is 这是一个如何工作的视频

Compatibility:  Windows; Mac OS

Capti Narrator

Cost:  Free

  • Convert documents and web pages into text-to-speech
  • 从Dropbox, Google Drive,剪贴板,Instapaper或Web浏览器上传文档
  • 立即收听文档或将其保存到播放列表中以备将来收听
  • Adjust speech rate along with the choice of built-in voices; additional voices for purchase

Compatibility:  Windows and Mac Browser Extension; iOS: iPad, iPhone

VBookz PDF Reader

Cost: $14.99

  • 阅读PDF文件与这个应用程序
  • Interactive cursor allows readers to follow along with text
  • 使用标注工具,如高亮显示、文本、笔记和书签来帮助你阅读
  • Read books in text mode with the option for Dyslexie Font
  • Import PDFs using email, Dropbox, or through iTunes

兼容性:iOS: iPad, iPhone

Voice Dream Reader

iOS         $14.99
Android  $9.99

  • 文本到语音的应用程序,阅读书籍的能力,自定义您的屏幕首选的阅读选项
  • Read by listening to the text, visually or both at the same time
  • Supports PDF, Word Docs, EPUB, DAISY, eBooks, 网页和更多的能力,整合您的Bookshare图书或图书在Dropbox, Evernote, Pocket, Gutenberg and more
  • Includes multiple language options along with various fonts, 包括Open Dyslexic字体, and voices, including the option to purchase additional voices
  • 在阅读中突出显示信息并将其导出到其他程序和应用程序

Compatibility:  Android ; iOS: iPad, iPhone


Cost: $24.99

  • Mac电脑的文本转语音应用程序
  • 大声朗读你的文章,可以自定义声音和修改单词的发音,这样在阅读时听起来就正确了
  • 能够缩放和突出显示单词
  • Convert text to audio files for on-the-go listening
  • Import text from a variety of formats including Text, Word, HTML, PDF & RTF



Cost: Free


Compatibility:  Android; iOS: iPad, iPhone; Windows Phone 8

  • 用你的照相手机扫描文件、笔记、白板、名片或任何其他文件
  • 使用光学字符识别(OCR)功能将图像转换为可读的文本
  • 在扫描的文档中添加注释
  • 跨设备同步文档


Cost: $4.99

  • Using the camera of your device, capture text and translate it using OCR
  • Easily extract text from books, magazines, newspapers, ads, etc.
  • 使用VoiceOver(仅限iPad)以文本到语音的格式收听文档
  • Captured text can be edited and/or copied to another source

Compatibility:  Android; iOS: iPad, iPhone

Prizmo Go

Cost: $9.99

  • 拍一张照片,并有立即转换成文本与此OCR程序文本到语音
  • 能够改变语音和互动阅读显示与突出显示的单词,因为他们被阅读
  • 10 different languages built-in with over 30 addition for download
  • Ability to edit the OCR results to correct spelling errors or reorder text

兼容性:iOS: iPad, iPhone


Cost:  Free

  • Rewordify用更容易理解的单词替换高级词汇
  • Help build understanding within readings and builds vocabulary
  • 难词被替换并突出显示
  • Click on the words that were replaced to see the original word in the text


Name / Cost 描述/兼容性


Cost: Free

  • Check your spelling and grammar as you type; the "contextual spelling checker" even detects correctly spelled words used in the wrong context
  • Find the right word you are looking for with synonym suggestions
  • Grammar checker Grammarly can fix hundreds of complex grammatical errors
  • 将Grammarly添加到Chrome意味着你的拼写和语法将被纠正几乎所有你写在网络上,包括电子邮件, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

Compatibility: Chrome Extension; MS Office Add-in


Cost:  Free

  • Shrink Fleksy for more screen space, or expand for easier typing.
  • 强大的单词预测和下一代自动纠错系统编辑您的文本,甚至不需要看到键盘. Powerful enough for individuals who are blind or low vision to use.
  • 轻松添加标点符号, space, delete words, and much more with just a swipe of your finger-- easy, intuitive, and fast.

Compatibility:   Android; iOS: iPad, iPhone

Dragon Anywhere

Cost:  Free 7 day trial; $15/month

  • 语音识别软件,识别你说的话,并转录它们
  • 在短信中口述文字, emails, social media, or paste into other apps and programs using the clipboard feature
  • 免提,快速听写任何人在旅途中

Compatibility: iOS系统:iPad、iPhone、Android

VoiceNote II

Cost:  Free

  •  扩展的谷歌浏览器,让你通过简单地说出来大声键入
  • Create a shortcut for easy use with other applications
  • Speak your punctuation or click the buttons to add it to the text

Compatibility: Google Chrome App


Cost:  $4.99

  • Type more with less effort using this custom keyboard shortcut app
  • 创建自定义缩写,称为常用单词和短语的片段, 快速进入您的文档
  • Insert snippets by simply touching on them on your screen
  • Use Dropbox to sync your snippets across devices

Compatibility:   iOS: iPad, iPhone

Voice Dream Writer

Cost:  $9.99

  •  少犯错误,使用正确的单词,更好地组织你的写作
  • 文本到语音和语音到文本可以帮助你校对,避免尴尬的句子或语法错误
  • 字典、语音拼写检查器和单词查找器帮助您在写作时使用正确的单词
  • 当你重组你的论文时,论文大纲可以让你的结构更好,更容易

Compatibility:  iOS: iPad, iPhone

Typ-O HD

Cost: $11.99

  • Easy to use dyslexia app that helps you write without spelling errors.
  • 单词预测以及文本到语音的功能可以让您在选择单词之前听到单词选项
  • Ability to enter text on the screen using speech recognition
  • Listen to your work with the text-to-speech feature

Compatibility:  iOS: iPad, iPhone

Ginger Grammar & Spell Checker

Cost: Basic Free; Prem. $7.49 - $13.99/mo

  • 检查您的拼写和语法,并根据您在Microsoft Word中的文本上下文进行修复, Outlook, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome
  • Suggests different and better ways to express your sentences (Premium)
  • Provides training to improve your mistakes (Premium)
  • 大声朗读文本(高级)

Compatibility: Windows; Mac; Android, iOS: iPad, iPhone; Chrome and Safari Extension

Name / Cost   描述/兼容性

Cost:  Free

  • 使用这个待办事项列表应用程序,以一种简单、聪明、有趣的方式管理你的生活
  • 同步您的任务在您的移动设备和计算机或使用Chrome扩展
     to sync with Gmail
  • 使用提醒功能,这样你就永远不会忘记你需要做什么或你需要去哪里

Compatibility:  Android; iOS: iPad, iPhone; Chrome Extension; Chrome App


Cost: Free 

  • 学习工具和游戏的在线资源,几乎任何教育主题
  •  7种模式包括传统的闪存卡,让学生以不同的方式学习
    master material
  •  Generate your own content or use content other users have created

Compatibility: Online Resource;  Android; iOS: iPad, iPhone


Cost: Free

  • 一个一站式的地方收集笔记,文件,网页剪贴和图像的能力
  • 收集和查找你的信息很容易
  • 研究,计划事件和日常组织使用的伟大工具
  • Collaborate with others on projects using the sharing features

Compatibility: Windows; Mac;  Android;  iOS: iPad, iPhone;  Windows Phone

Study Blue

Cost: Free 

  • Study virtually any topic with this on-the-go flashcard study aid
  • 创建自己的抽认卡或使用超过1.5亿的笔记和卡片之一
  • 测试你自己,得到你的分数有多少正确和错误,并选择集中注意力
  • 使用移动设备随时随地学习

Compatibility: Windows; Mac; iOS: iPad, iPhone; Windows Phone


Cost: Free

  • Track your homework, tests, projects, and lessons
  • Set and receive reminders when assignments are due or tests are coming up
  • 在应用程序中设置您的课程时间表
  • Sync your information with any of the available devices

Compatibility: Windows; Chrome Extension; iOS: iPad, iPhone; Android; Kindle

iStudiez Pro

Cost: $2.99 -$9.99

  • 用这个应用程序保持有组织和掌握所有的学校工作和日程安排
  • Using the built-in planner with alerts and reminders, track tasks, homework, deadlines, meetings, and your grades
  • Sync on all your devices so you’re never without this tool

Compatibility: Mac; Windows; iOS: iPad, iPhone


Cost:  $9.99

  • Annotate PDF, Word Doc, PowerPoint, and image files with this app
  • 使用打字机,钢笔,荧光笔,邮票,笔记,下划线,照片,语音等工具
  • Import PDFs or compress and export for secured sharing with others

Compatibility:  iOS: iPad, iPhone

Name / Cost   描述/兼容性


Cost:Free -
$4.99 (app)

  • 在线或基于应用程序的思维导图
  • Quickly jot down your ideas and sort them visually
  • 学生使用Popplet直观地思考和学习. 通过捕捉事实、思想和图像,
    students learn to create relationships between them and generate new ideas. 

Compatibility: Online Resource; iOS: iPad, iPhone


Cost: Free 

  • Online whiteboard & 团队协作软件
  • Add content using text, files, images, videos, etc.
  • 使用便利贴勾勒出想法
  • 超过250个模板可供选择

Compatibility: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge

Inspiration Maps

Cost: $9.99

  • 头脑风暴和创建思维导图使用这个应用程序,类似于完整的灵感计划
  • 组织项目以创建流程图
  • Take notes using the visual system and icons to create maps and diagrams

Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone


Cost: Free - $8.49/mo

  • Mind Mapping/Brainstorming tool for use on personal devices and the web
  • 与他人实时协作
  • 使用程序来展示你的工作
  • Full use of software program and features cost a small, monthly fee

Compatibility: Online Resource; Android;  iOS: iPhone, iPad