
There are many different types of accommodations that might be available to students at UNH. 根据具体的校园,这可以包括:  

请注意 that all accommodations are approved through the SAS互动适应过程. Depending on specific student need, approved accommodations vary. More information about the types of accommodations provided through SAS can be found in: 



The most commonly approved accommodations are academic accommodations. Academic accommodations are available across all UNH campuses, but specific implementation may vary depending on the specific campus. 根据学生的具体需求,这可以包括:

  • 教室住宿(e).g., preferential seating, short breaks, notetaking assistance)
  • 考试安排(e).g., extra time on exams, distraction reduced environment, exam technology use)
  • 灵活性安排(e).g.、有限延期、弹性协议)
  • 无障碍设施(e).g., accessible audio content, accessible educational materials, use of AT)

To learn more about some of the most commonly approved accommodations through SAS, please visit: SAS住宿指南:程序和实践. This guide provides more information about some of the key things to know, 学生的责任, 住宿过程, 实施建议, 常见问题.


住房 is available at both the Durham 和 CPS Manchester campuses. All students who would like housing accommodations are required to apply for housing 和 adhere to all housing-related deadlines. Part of this process can include applying for housing accommodations.

SAS assists in the interactive accommodation process for housing accommodations. 住宿可以在任何时候要求, 但由于供应有限, it is highly encouraged to apply for accommodations by the priority housing deadlines. The chances of an accommodation being able to be met are greatly increased if a student completes the accommodation approval process by the priority deadlines.

For more information about the types of housing accommodations available, please visit SAS住宿指南:程序和实践.

UNH Durham住房住宿

杜伦大学可能会要求住宿. 住房是通过 主要研究住房 和 SAS works closely with 主要研究住房 to ensure that accommodation needs are met. UNH Durham students who wish to request housing accommodations may contact SAS directly, 我们可以帮助你完成住宿流程.

请注意, UNH Durham students are highly encouraged to meet UNH住房设置的住宿优先截止日期.  


住宿可以要求在曼彻斯特CPS. 住房是通过 Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), 因此SAS与 SNHU居住生活 以及他们的 校园无障碍中心 确保住房住宿需求得到满足. CPS Manchester students who wish to request housing accommodations may contact SAS directly, 我们可以帮助你完成住宿流程.

请注意, CPS Manchester students are highly encouraged to meet priority deadlines set by SNHU居住生活.


While UNH is committed to providing a wide range of safe 和 healthy options for students, there may be circumstances where students require additional dining supports. 餐厅 accommodations are approved through the interactive accommodations process, 和 are approved based on the student’s specific condition. When approved, SAS works directly with 餐厅 to ensure accommodations are implemented. For more information about the types of 餐饮住宿, please visit: SAS住宿指南:程序和实践.

For more information on navigating inclusive options at UNH Durham, please visit the UNH餐饮-特别关注页面.


There are two types of 帮助动物 that are allowed on campus: 服务的动物 和 情感支持动物(esa). There are important distinctions that should be made between each type of animal. 而服务性动物不被批准为住宿, students are encouraged to reach out to SAS for assistance in facilitating access to the animal on campus.  esa被认为是住宿, so all students who wish to have an ESA must complete the interactive accommodations process.

More information about 帮助动物 including policies about 服务的动物情感支持动物(esa) 可以在 SAS住宿指南:程序和实践.


There are individuals 和 organizations that sell service animal certifications or registration documents online. These documents do not convey any rights under the ADA 和 the Department of Justice does not recognize them as proof that the dog is a service animal. HUD指南说明:

一些网站出售证书, 注册, 和 licensing documents for assistance animals to anyone who answers certain questions or participates in a short interview 和 pays a fee. 根据公平住房法, a housing provider may request reliable documentation when an individual requesting a reasonable accommodation has a disability 和 disability-related need for an accommodation that are not obvious or otherwise known. 根据HUD的经验, 来自互联网的此类文档则不是, 本身, sufficient to reliably establish that an individual has a non-observable disability or disability-related need for an assistance animal.

相比之下, 许多合法, licensed health care professionals deliver services remotely, 包括在互联网上. One reliable form of documentation is a note from a person’s health care professional that confirms a person’s disability 和/or need for an animal when the provider has personal knowledge of the individual.

For any questions about what documentation is acceptable, please contact SAS directly or visit our 提交文档页面.